Contact Hisa architectes
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Hiša is an architecture workshop based in Strasbourg, founded by Sacha Villemin & Isabelle Marchal. Both have rich professional experience in Brussels, where they developed a vision and an aesthetic that characterize the emerging Belgian scene in Europe.

From compromise to a certain image of frugality, they will be able to advise you from the first meeting until the completion of your project. Sensitive to circularity and sustainability, Hiša encourages an architecture of the simple and everyday. Hiša engages in various missions, ranging from rehabilitation to energy renovation, from transformation to passive construction, from interior design to custom furniture design. Also trained in Design, Hiša approaches architecture in a global and integral way, where space, object and materiality form one.

Hiša places at the heart of its projects the notion of Living with a pronounced ecological ambition in the interest of associating the client's wishes with an in-depth reading of what exists. Convinced that by drawing on the context, it is possible to create versatile and reversible spaces whose aim is to offer places that can be experienced, appropriated and adapted to everyone's rhythm. Whether it is individual housing - rehabilitated or new - or public facilities - restaurants, shops or schools - Hiša considers that each project is part of a unique economic, social, constructive and aesthetic context.

Each mission will be based on the spatial exploration of the locations, different technical and material studies in line with your desires to offer you a highly personalized design. Hiša is also about overall design, drawing, furniture, details, advice, site monitoring and monitoring of budgets. And this through dialogue, human attention and conviviality. Finally, Hiša is particularly keen to take care of what exists, to reveal the sensitive, to restore importance to everyday gestures and to reintroduce the sense of celebration into the trivial.

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Property type

Single-Family Homes

Public Access Buildings


Commercial - industrial

Hotels - Restaurants


Multi-unit Residential



Type of Work

New Build


Feasibility Studies

Interior Architecture & Design








Latest Achievements



  • - International
  • - National
  • - Regional


  • - Consulting
  • - Home pre-purchase advice
  • - Construction Management
  • - Building permits
  • - Design / Plans


  • - Payment in instalments
  • - Free first appointment

Method of Payment

  • - Transfer


  • - English
  • - French
  • - German

Architects Registration Board

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