and make an appointment immediately !

Benefit from the experience of more than 2 architects from the city Besançon to realise your dream's project.

Looking for an architect from the department Doubs ? Get in touch with the professional you need.

Carbone 27 has designed energy-efficient buildings for many years, optimising the use of resources to achieve this goal through the choice of materials, methods of implementation and keeping a close eye throughout the work’s duration.

Single-Family Homes
Building Upgrades
Feasibility Studies
Project Management
+ 19

Response under 72 hour

Besançon: an architect contacts you

Why an architect in Besançon proves to be indispensable?

There are many reasons to hire an architect. Here are some of them...
  1. The architect does not hesitate to put on his protective equipment and controls the different stages of the construction site to guarantee you a smooth realization. He arranges so that there is no time lost between the various interventions of the craftsmen.
  3. The architect must transmit to you clear and complete plans of the creation of your garden for example. It must consequently deliver to you of invaluable councils in the choice of the materials.
  5. A contrario of the developer who has nothing else to propose that of the houses-types, the architect carries out a work of research which corresponds to your project. You thus benefit from a unique property. The future buyer is immediately reassured.
  7. You benefit from an apartment to your measure and practical that corresponds to your desires.
  9. By calling on an architect, you are serene (e) concerning the funds committed about the extension of your house or the construction of a terrace. Its estimates are certainly adapted to match your available funds.
  11. Having the habit, the architect assists you in the administrative steps such as the deposit of a preliminary application or the study of the PLU (Local Plan of Urbanism).
  13. A complete audit of your dwelling allows you to evaluate the energy performance of the devices.
  15. The presence of an architect for your project of construction of a new house or interior design is a determining element to receive a credit or aid.

The architect in Besançon is competent for all types of work

The architect is involved in your project from the beginning until its completion. We can evoke a renovation, an extension, an expertise, a terrace, a garden or a rehabilitation:
  • Making to standards: a construction standard is a set of provisions established in order to certify the quality of finish of your project. Construction standards provide formal information to professionals.
  • Pool: the architect studies the installation of your pool in a comprehensive way. He is concerned about the surface around your swimming area. He makes recommendations about the shape of the pool, the surface of the beaches.
  • Terrace: the architect with the skills to draw the plans of your construction project or renovation of your terrace in tiles or with a simple concrete slab, adjoining or not to your home, on the ground or raised. It is competent to carry out your project taking into account your desires while respecting the rules of art.
  • Surélévation: the surélévation corresponds to a set of work whose objective is to enlarge a space, by increasing its vertical height. This is concretized by the fact of adding a floor, roof included.
  • Expertise: the expert office intervenes most often in case of damage noted in a house during or following a construction, due, among other things, to a defect in the structure of the building. The expert architect also intervenes during a renovation. He has the ability to intervene before a site to ensure its feasibility and to play an intermediary role between the various professionals, in the success of a project.

Stéphane Coydon is an architect who promotes teamwork to make the most of each project, in particular thanks to the involvement of qualified partners who share his passion and architectural values.  

Multi-unit Residential
Single-Family Homes
Passive House / Eco-friendly
Chalets / Wooden Houses
+ 22

Response under 72 hour