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Architects matching your selection

The agency likes to dabble in all types of programming: individual homes, small collectives, cultural and sports facilities, offices, scenography or even design while maintaining intact its desire to provide a fair architectural response.

Single-Family Homes
Energy renovation
Feasibility Studies
Interior Architecture & Design
+ 19

Response under 72 hour

Saint-Germain-en-Laye 78100


A4 Concept

A4 Concept, an architecture and works agency specializing in construction, renovation, elevation and extension, supports its clients in all stages of their real estate project, from advice to design, and carries out the work until delivery.

Single-Family Homes
Vertical expension
Feasibility Studies
Interior Architecture & Design
+ 19

Response under 72 hour

Charlotte is a dynamic and creative architect who founded her agency in 2020. Her approach to architecture is guided by a holistic vision, aiming to combine aesthetics, functionality and sustainability for each project.

Single-Family Homes
Historical / Listed Buildings
Feasibility Studies
Interior Architecture & Design
+ 28

Response under 72 hour

Mona - Bureau d'architecture is the reflection of a duality, between ancient and modern. Two antinomic elements that in opposition attract, caress and meet to complement each other.

Single-Family Homes
Chalets / Wooden Houses
Country Homes
+ 20

Response under 24 hour

OTAA ARCHITECTURE works on programmes for collective housing, private houses, facilities and offices, and accompanies projects for both private and public players on a variety of scales.

Single-Family Homes
Chalets / Wooden Houses
Country Homes
+ 19

Response under 72 hour

Can't find an architect for your project?

We'll find one for you.

Multidisciplinary and versatile, GUÉGAN ARCHITECTES specialises in the construction and extension of individual houses as well as more complex projects for schools, offices, tertiary buildings and collective housing.

Single-Family Homes
Passive House / Eco-friendly
Chalets / Wooden Houses
Smart Homes
+ 23

Response under 72 hour

MONOKROM-Architectes offers its clients complete architectural and BIM consulting services for projects of all scales, with technical skills, high-performance tools and a collaborative approach that guarantees quality execution and project compliance.

Single-Family Homes
Country Homes
Multi-unit Residential
+ 21

Response under 24 hour

For these architects, the most important thing in your future collaboration is to accompany you with strong, committed choices that reflect you. They will help you to develop your projects of new construction, rehabilitation or elevation.

Single-Family Homes
Feasibility Studies
Interior Architecture & Design
Project Management
+ 17

Response under 72 hour

BOM Architecture was born of a shared vision and passion for architecture. The studio is highly invested in environmental approaches and dedicated to designing the cities of tomorrow, which has earned it recognition on numerous occasions. 

Single-Family Homes
Public Access Buildings
Building Upgrades
Feasibility Studies
New Build
+ 14

Response under 24 hour

An architect with international experience. His vast trajectory has allowed him to participate in projects with well-differentiated scales: individual houses, housing complexes, cultural projects, prestigious office buildings in their design, layout and interior architecture.

Single-Family Homes
Energy renovation
Feasibility Studies
Interior Architecture & Design
Landscape Architecture
+ 21

Response under 24 hour