FIND AN ARCHITECT in Montmorillon

and make an appointment immediately !

Benefit from the experience of more than 3 architects from the city Montmorillon to realise your dream's project.

Looking for an architect from the department Vienne ? Get in touch with the professional you need.

Jaunay-Marigny 86130



Atelier R2 is a multidisciplinary architectural agency working for individuals and professionals in various fields of housing, tertiary, medical, photovoltaic energy, etc.

Single-Family Homes
New Build
+ 16

Response under 72 hour

An agency managed by Delphine GALLERAND-RIBEAUDEAU is also located at 10 Avenue Fournier Sarlovèze in MONTLUCON (03100). Telephone details: 0470030942.

Single-Family Homes
Public Access Buildings
Feasibility Studies
Landscape Architecture
+ 23

Response under 24 hour

Architects draw your plans in Montmorillon

The architect in Montmorillon is competent for all types of work

The architect manages your project from start to finish. This can concern a new construction, an extension, an expertise, a terrace, a swimming pool or a transformation:
  • New construction: the architect elaborates the plans, organizes, manages and harmonizes the intervention of the various participants. He is thus co-responsible for the proper execution of the construction project, with the companies themselves. He is moreover subjected to a deontology whose respect is controlled by an order. This obliges him to follow rules and ensures you quality services. In the case where you limit the role of the architect to the provision of plans, you will have yourself to ensure the management of subcontractors.
  • Garden: the landscape architect benefits from a multi-faceted know-how and in particular: spirit of synthesis, management of the technical aspects and plans and estimate.
  • Transformation: to evoke the transformation of a building, it is for example to increase your dwelling. It is then imperative to address you to an architect.
  • Interior architecture: the interior architect intervenes to evaluate the scope and feasibility of interior design work upstream of the purchase of your house. He makes the most of your future property. He is a great help to make your home look its best and bring a real plus if you want to sell or rent. Resort to his expertise for various renovation works as for example the creation of a mezzanine.
  • Pool: the architect studies the installation of your pool as a whole. He takes into account the surface that surrounds your future pool. He makes recommendations about the shape of the pool, the surface of the beaches.

The know-how of the architect in Montmorillon is an advantage for your project

Soliciting an architect has many advantages. Here's why...
  1. You get a unique, innovative design with the utmost respect for your philosophy.
  3. You get a home that meets new energy requirements.
  5. The architect must establish plans that are technically feasible and that fall within the limits of your financial capabilities.
  7. The architect does not hesitate to put on his protective equipment and controls the various stages of the construction site to guarantee you a result without hazards. He arranges so that there is no time lost between the various interventions of the different professionals.
  9. Having an architect draw the plans of your project increases your budget. However, the added value brought will represent a real asset for your habitat. It is a sure value when you decide to part with it.
  11. With an architect, you are assured not to exceed the budget planned regarding the elevation of your house or the creation of a garden. Its estimates are constantly adapted in order to correspond to your available funds, with a delivery which respects the deadlines.
  13. The architect must transmit to you clear and complete plans of the raising of your house for example. He must therefore deliver you valuable advice in the choice of materials.
  15. To benefit from subsidies granted by the ANAH concerning the improvement of the comfort of your house, it is desirable that the file is mounted by an architect.

Pépin de banane is a Lyon-based architecture agency that helps curious and creative clients enhance their properties through architecture. The agency is particularly attuned to working with businesses (hotels, clothing, restaurants, etc.), but their past success shows a clear capacity to design all types of projects presented to them.

Single-Family Homes
Passive House / Eco-friendly
Chalets / Wooden Houses
Country Homes
+ 18

Response under 24 hour