3 architects Historical / Listed Buildings in Wassy

Architecte in Chambéry 73000

Move to Wassy 52130

Barbeyer Architects

An agency for mountain architecture.

21 property type

Historical / Listed Buildings

Single-Family Homes

Passive House / Eco-friendly

14 type of work

New Build


Energy renovation

5 services

Design / Plans

Building permits

Construction Management

Architecte in Lisieux 14100

Move to Wassy 52130

DPLG architect serving individuals but also professionals. Personalized approach for housing in all its forms but also for professional and public premises. From the feasibility study to site monitoring.

21 property type

Historical / Listed Buildings

Single-Family Homes

Passive House / Eco-friendly

15 type of work

New Build


Energy renovation

6 services

Design / Plans

Building permits

Construction Management